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What Sectors Are Going To Lead In 2024? Bill Baruch On Portfolio Names For Next Year.

As investors get ready for the new year, Bill Baruch takes a look at some of the stocks on his radar and what sector dynamics will matter in 2024.


IKVIA 26 IQ what is that target up 25 health sciences thermo Fisher a little more volatility maybe with that a little little more of multiple start over the financials and I’ve said this before you go in a year two of a bull market health care financials and actually utilities got start to perform in year two as the grades start to come down in that in that environment so Morgan Stanley I think they’re their prime position the wealth management deal making Bank of America the net interest income is something that’s going to start turning I think for them they’re gonna be a leader there as rates come down I do think we’ll see the steepening yield curve when you go to an uber I mean there was obviously a headline with uber it’s going to join the S&P I think of uber as an industrial company I mean everything they have across the board I mean they’re they’re happy they’re making deals with everything I mean we own Domino’s pizzas up huge and Domino’s pizza is going to start rolling out all their franchises on uber eats so I think uber’s turn a sharp corner this year’s a it’s just a big story in itself you look at any of these names on your list and say I think I’m going to trim X on this list what do you think let’s let’s show them up build bills five stocks that have just had massive gains in six weeks so these names I’m not really looking to trim them I’m actually looking to add to Bank of America I may look to trim uber where I’m plan on trimming though is is these big the big tech I mean I am 50% plus tech weighted right now and everybody’s been talking about cyclical motive movement and rotation I put the last bit of my cash to work in some of the cyclicals but I still am very heavy in the tech I might think I’m very active and I’m can be very nimble my fingers on the trigger but I want to see I probably trim a little bit of Apple little Nvidia some of those names up top and then be able to maybe add more to Bank of America lean into health care a little bit see where things go but I don’t think I need to do that until the middle of January the January 19th options okay she could be volatile now to Farmer Jim Boeing up 40%


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